Venturing is a stand alone program of the BSA for young men and women ages 14 through 20 who have completed the eighth grade and who subscribe to the Venturing Oath and Code. Al Barr, our past Scoutmaster of Troop 473, is starting a Venture Crew 473. The Crew has adopted a policy, as follows:
A Boy Scout MUST:
Parents accompanying their Boy Scout son on crew activities must provide the
Advisor with a Class 2 Medical Form, if under age 40, or a Class 3 Medical
Form if over 40. The Class 2 must have been completed within 36 months of
the activity, the Class 3 must have been completed within 12 months of the
activity. Participating parents are also required to provide the Advisor
with an up-to-date Class 1 Medical Form prior to the activity.
The Advisor maintains the right to require a Boy Scout's parent to accompany
him in certain Crew activities.
This policy, of course, does not apply to the boys who are dual registered with the Troop 473 and Crew 473, but rather applies to Boy Scouts who are not yet eligible to be a Venturer. If you have any questions about Venture Crew 473, please contact Al Barr, barrnunn@cox.net, Crew Advisor/Unit Leader. Venture Crew 473 will have a website of there own up and running soon. Once it is, I will provide a link to it. |